Low self esteem is a result of programming, either from an event or series of events or by a person; it can be undone.
Some events make someone vow they will never stick their necks out again. Some people can say some terribly destructive things to children, who grow up believing them. Cases of sexual abuse often leave the victim with no memory of the abuse but with a character open to bullying for the rest of their lives. Depression usually walks hand-in-hand with low self esteem because of the way you can't understand how all this is happening when you so much don't want it to.
The effects of the damage are that you feel that you and your opinions have a very low worth in comparison to others or their opinions; you do not stand up for what you want, you are easily pushed down in conversation and others rarely accept your choices. Sooner or later, you will withdraw from social interactions and have only your own, unhappy self to talk to.
The way out is to bring you to the time when all this was set in your character. You will see how that happened but will see that it is all invalid, today - for the person you are now. Once you have this understanding, the foundations of your low self esteem are pulled out from underneath it. It does not stand any longer and you can change and start enjoying your life, being the new you - the you that you should always have been.
Contact me now and take your first steps in this direction, make up for lost time.
Mark has been in full time practise since 2003 helping people from around this country and around the World:
North America; Central America; South America; South Africa; Australia; New Zealand; Hong Kong;
The Middle East; Europe and Scandinavia